Is Verizon Fios in my area?
Verizon Fios is available in 9 states. Check the map below to see if Fios, Verizon's 100% fiber-optic network, is offered in your state.
Verizon Fios is just a few steps away
Getting Verizon Fios has never been easier. Simply follow these three steps to get Fios in your home.
Check availability. Verizon Fios brings a fast and reliable connection. Enter your street address to check if your home has Verizon Fios available near you.
Order services. Get set up with Verizon services by completing your order online. All in the comfort of your home.
Schedule install. You can schedule your equipment installation date with your sales agent while placing your order.

Fios Internet availability
Fios by Verizon is one of America’s top-rated providers and Fios network coverage currently reaches thousands of cities and neighborhoods. It’s a great alternative to your current internet provider in terms of speed, reliability, and coverage. Fios is not quite available everywhere so give us a call today to see if Fios is in your area.
Frequently asked questions
Is Verizon Fios Available in My Area?
You can easily find out if Verizon Fios is available at your home by entering your address.
Why Isn't Verizon Fios Available in My Area?
While Fios hasn’t arrived in your area yet, Verizon Fios is always expanding and will hopefully be available in the near future. Verizon High Speed Internet may still be available though, enter your address to find out!
† Offer for new Fios Internet and/or TV res. custs., is non-transferable and has no cash or refund value. Documentation of early termination fee (ETF) for TV, Internet and/or wireline phone from your prior service provider must be provided w/in 90 days of installation and offer will be fulfilled via bill credit, to your Verizon account, in the amount of the ETF up to $500. You remain solely responsible for paying the ETF to your prior service provider. If you cancel your Verizon service w/in 90 days of installation, the ETF credit will be charged back to your final bill. Other terms apply.