
Verizon Fios Moving with You

Looking to sign up for Verizon Fios?

Check for availability in your area.

Want to keep your existing Verizon Fios service?

Sign in to check availability in your new area.

Unlock up to a $500 Credit When You Switch to Fios

Switch from your current provider to Verizon Fios and Verizon will give you up to a $500 credit to help pay any early termination fees from your current contract.

Get Verizon Fios Internet plans: find the right internet speed.

Surf and stream with no data limits^

Verizon Fios is Easy to Bring with You

Transferring your Verizon service or new connection is as simple as 1, 2, 3

Step 1

Discover whether Verizon Fios is available in your area using your new zip code.

Step 2

Shop for your ideal plan for single service or bundle with internet, TV, and phone.

Step 3

Order your service and schedule your installation with Verizon once you've selected your plan.

Simplify installation with Verizon Fios

Bring Verizon Fios to your home easily with self-installation

Self-installation is 100 percent possible as long as your home is wired for Fios service. If it is, Verizon will send you the equipment you will need, including directions on how to install your service. Representatives will be standing by for any installation questions you might have.

Get the expert touch with professional installation.

Verizon Fios can take your internet speeds to the next level. If your home is not equipped with the technology for a Fios connection, Verizon will dispatch technicians to install the necessary wiring. Experience the power of Fios with the ease of professional installation.

† Offer for new Fios Internet and/or TV res. custs., is non-transferable and has no cash or refund value. Documentation of early termination fee (ETF) for TV, Internet and/or wireline phone from your prior service provider must be provided w/in 90 days of installation and offer will be fulfilled via bill credit, to your Verizon account, in the amount of the ETF up to $500. You remain solely responsible for paying the ETF to your prior service provider. If you cancel your Verizon service w/in 90 days of installation, the ETF credit will be charged back to your final bill. Other terms apply.